Provision of Equipment Into Registered Residential & Nursing Care Homes & Day Care Settings LLR (ICELS)

April 1, 2017

W.e.f from 1st April this policy covers the provision of equipment into registered residential & nursing homes and day care centres  (replacing Health & Social Care Protocol Section F 2010).



An Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service (ICELS) has been established through a Partnership Agreement between:


  • Leicester City Council
  • Leicestershire County Council
  • Rutland County Council
  • NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups for the Leicester City, West Leicestershire, East Leicestershire & Rutland – for the purpose of this document NHS translates into any Health successor bodies


All equipment is purchased through a pooled fund arrangement and owned by the pool. A pooled equipment arrangement means that all the funding for the community equipment service from the Partners goes into a common ‘purse’.  This is managed by Leicester City Council on behalf of all the Partners and applies to all equipment


This policy is written in consultation with the partners of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICELS.


The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) ICELS Partnership loans equipment to eligible people with the LLR boundary. Only equipment required to meet an essential need, as defined by the eligibility criteria of each Organisation will be supplied.  If the equipment available as standard stock from the ICELS Community Equipment catalogue does not meet the service user’s assessed needs, then the assessor(s) will follow the agreed procedures to identify suitable alternatives.


In complex situations where a range of equipment may be required, it may be necessary to complete a joint assessment between Health & Social Care professionals to identify provision.


Clinical practitioners must adhere to this policy when assessing residents in care homes.


This document should be read in conjunction with the current:


  • Operational Procedures (Annex 3) set out in the Partnership Agreement relating to the provision of community equipment
  • Joint Working Arrangements for NHS Occupational Therapists


all of which relate to the assessment and provision of equipment. The Equipment Management Board for the ICELS will agree any changes to these arrangements and the development of further procedures for the provision of equipment.


The equipment will be delivered and fitted (as appropriate) by the ICELS Contracted Equipment Provider, as agreed within the Contract (Annex 6) of the Partnership Agreement. All equipment is bar coded for audit purposes and is regularly serviced and maintained by the Service Provider in accordance with the ICELS Contract and Statutory requirements.


All equipment is bar coded for audit purposes and equipment included in the Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) arrangements will be serviced in accordance with these arrangements by the ICELS Equipment Provider.


All equipment is allocated on a loan basis and loaned for as long as the person needs it and/or remains eligible for the equipment.  When the equipment is no longer required by the named service user it must be returned to the ICELS equipment provider.


Any non-compliance with this policy or concerns about safeguarding and/or infection control will be reported to the contract monitoring officers of the statutory agencies.


  1. The Policy

This policy covers eligibility for the loan of Health and Social Care equipment for residents in registered care homes in line with the National Minimum Standards for Registered Care Homes.


The purpose of this document is to:


  • Clarify the relationship between the ICELS for LLR and registered care homes within the LLR boundaries
  • Enable Commissioners of the ICELS to identify their obligations in relation to care homes for adults and older people (this document excludes equipment for children and those remaining in full-time education beyond 18 years of age.
  • Help care home owners/managers to understand their equipment obligations to residents and clarify who is responsible for funding the equipment
  • Clarify the assessment process, in particular distinguishing between assessment for equipment and assessment for funded nursing care and NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC)
  • Provide clarity around what is generic, specialist and bespoke equipment

Please download the policy for further information

Provision of equipment into registered care homes LLR 01.04.17



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