Dignity In Care Train the Trainer

5 Mar 2015

Dignity In Care Train the Trainer

One Day Workshop 2014

Please see flyer for more details - Dignity in Care 2014-2015


Target Group: This programme is aimed at managers, seniors, team leaders and/or training co-ordinators working within a regulated care setting. For example, residential or nursing care homes for older people and adults with a learning disability or mental ill-health, domiciliary care or supported living in Leicestershire and Leicester City. Please note that only staff who have undertaken training in Dignity in Care within their organisations and/or have completed the Council’s e-learning dignity in care module should attend. All participants will be expected to deliver a sample of their training to the rest of the group during the course of the day so please consider carefully your nominations. This course would be ideally suited to:
  • Individuals that are currently facilitating and delivering training as part of their day to day role;
  • Individuals that are confident to deliver training within a group setting and will be responsible for the delivery of dignity training.

Book your place

Book through the Hub

If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub

http://www.lscdg.org/lms-information/ or email lscdg@leics.gov.uk

    Enquire about this course

    By signing up to our mailing list you confirm that you have read and understood our Fair Processing Notice which explains how we will use and store your information, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

    Book your place

    Book through the Hub

    If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub

    http://www.lscdg.org/lms-information/ or email lscdg@leics.gov.uk