The Hub – Demonstration Sessions – PM Session

9 Jun 2016
AIMS and OBJECTIVES: To provide:
  • Support for the post launch of new Learning Management System (The Hub)
  • Benefits of The Hub
  • Look at the data requirements to create accounts for The Hub
  • Explain the new process for booking courses via The Hub
  • How can delegates book & cancel courses.
  • How can Managers/Training Officers book and cancel staff on courses
  • View what training you are booked on.
TARGET GROUP: The demonstration sessions are aimed at all Staff in the wider sector & Managers/Training officers/Staff that have the authority to approve staff training.
Dates available Venue
9th June 2016 AM SESSION (25 places) PM SESSION (25 places) Salvation Army
16th June 2016 AM SESSION (25 places) PM SESSION (25 places) NSPCC
  Candidates only need to attend half a day. Time: AM SESSION: Arrive 9.00am for a 9:30am start and finish 12.00noon PM SESSION: Arrive 12:30noon for 13:00pm start and finish 3:30pm FURTHER DATES WILL BE ADDED Refreshments will be provided.   Lunch will NOT be provided If delegates fail to attend, the establishment will be invoiced for the non-attendance rate of £20 per person.  

Book your place

Book through the Hub

If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email

    Enquire about this course

    By signing up to our mailing list you confirm that you have read and understood our Fair Processing Notice which explains how we will use and store your information, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

    Book your place

    Book through the Hub

    If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email