Memory Plus

16 Feb 2016 - 11 Oct 2016

Cohort 5

Multi-sensory Reminiscence Activity Training Package

(One Full Day Course & 2 Half Day Courses)

£30 per delegate

see flyer for more information Memory Plus Flyer Cohort 5 2016 and please fill in the Care Home information sheet Memory Plus Care Home Information Sheet 2015 - 2 delegates

AIMS and OBJECTIVES: To provide:
  • Advice on delivering meaningful activities for people with a range of levels of dementia
  • Access to Memory Plus loans resources to help provide a range of activities in participants' care setting
  • Increased confidence in using objects for reminiscence and multi-sensory work
  • Inspiring activity ideas for group and one-to-one sessions
  • Guidance on planning and evaluating sessions
TARGET GROUP: The training is aimed at care staff in care homes, day care and sheltered housing who are new to delivering activities or those who would like to introduce more reminiscence and multi-sensory activities into their setting.  The training is suitable for all care staff whether or not they have a specific ‘activity’ responsibility. Please note prior to the commencement of this training the trainer will arrange a pre-visit to your care setting. Refreshments will be provided.   Lunch will NOT be provided Delegates must attend all 3 dates- (One Full Day Course & 2 Half Day Courses)
Dates available    Venue    Availability
16.02.2016 followed by24.05.2016 followed by 11.10.2016   Peepul CentreOrchardson Avenue Leicester LE4 6DP 20 places/10 care homes(N.B. Up to 2 people per care home)
  Times: Arrive 9.30 am for a 9:50 start and finish 4.00pm on the full day (16.02.2016) Arrive 9.00am for a 9:30 start and finish 2.00 on the two half days (24.05.2016 & 11.10.2016) For this course care providers will be invoiced at a flat rate of £30 per delegate (inclusive of all 3 days), after the first day. If delegates fail to attend, the establishment will be invoiced for the non-attendance rate of £100 per delegate.

Book your place

Book through the Hub

If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email

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    By signing up to our mailing list you confirm that you have read and understood our Fair Processing Notice which explains how we will use and store your information, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.

    Book your place

    Book through the Hub

    If you do not have an account, this will need to be created for you.  Please follow the link for joining instructions and more information about the Hub or email